Same Day / Next Day Service of Process
When There's No Time To Lose!
Rush Service and Mobile Printing is available when service of process must be expedited. Ask your local Rochester Process Server at ROC Paper Service to confirm availaibilty & turn-around time.
When you need legal papers Served & there's no time to lose, please follow these instructions:
Check our pricing info, use the online payment buttons if you prefer, or submit your paperwork for Service by email; either way you'll receive a customized invoice.
Review our Collaboration pages for a more complete understanding of what to expect from us.
Be sure to call (585) 201-8004 to confirm availability, and put the words "RUSH SERVICE" in the subject & message body of your email with any other details.
Scan your documents using your iPhone or Android mobile device, or stop by any public library and ask for help; they'll show you how to scan and email a copy to us, and copy yourself in to be sure it went through.
If you don't receive a reply within 30 minutes, call to request receipt confirmation by email.
Looking for a Notary Public?
While most bank and credit union branch locations have one or more notaries on-site, you can also visit the Bausch & Lomb Public Library's main information desk! Ask for a Notary Public and a one (1) hour parking pass for either the Court Street or South Avenue garages. You'll also find business class document scanners, laser printers, desktop computers, wi-fi, helpful Librarians, and much more!